We are proud to present a new donation we made to the Vatican Museums: a documentary about the importance of being a patron as well as about the delicate work of the Master restorers. Thanks to them together the pontifical collections are conserved and kept intact.

The film is written and directed by Liana Marabini, the comment is made by Rupert Wynne-James, the producer is Condor Pictures. The film shows not only the "visible" places of the Museums, but also the more secret and hidden corners, not available to the pubic. So, it is an unparalleled opportunity for art lovers to enter this inner "sancta sanctorum" of the greatest masterpieces. Because no other museum in the world can match the Vatican Museums in number and importance of artworks accumulated for centuries (more than 700,000 pieces), in paintings, sculptures and frescoes commissioned to the greatest artists who worked for decades inside the walls of the Holy See. The mission of the patrons is to promote, restore and conserve this incredible patrimony of beauty.


Trailer here: https://vimeo.com/566647731


We are proud also to announce that we financed an educational program, "Dante in the Vatican Museums". It was created in order to make a better understanding af the great Italian poet in the 700th year of his death. You find it here:
